Corey Eschweiler: National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
The holiday season is a time for parties, celebrations, and gatherings with family, friends, and co-workers. For many, these festivities also include alcohol. This is why December is recognized as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month , a time to raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and promote safe practices. While impaired driving is a year-round issue, its prevalence increases significantly during the holidays. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ), 1,062 people lost their lives in drunk driving-related crashes in December 2022. Despite its well-documented dangers, many individuals still choose to drive under the influence, putting countless lives at risk. The Las Vegas car accident lawyers at ER Injury Attorneys want everyone to enjoy the holiday season safely. This National Impaired Driving Prevention Month , learn how to recognize the signs of impaired driving and discover effective tips to prevent i...